Friday, 9 April 2021


 JCA Properties for Oracle File and FTP Adapters:

  • ConcurrentThreshold: The maximum number of translation activities that can be allowed to execute in parallel for a particular outbound scenario. The translation step during the outbound operation is CPU-intensive and must be guarded because it might cause other applications or threads to starve. The maximum value is 100.
  • Lenient: If set to true, then the Orcle File Adapter does not complain if it does not have enough permission to read or write to the inbound directory. The default value of this property is false.
  • NumberMessages: This property is used for outbound batching. The outgoing file is created when the number of messages condition is met. The parameter is of type intand is not mandatory. The default value is 1.
  • Recursive: If this property is set to true, then the adapter can process all the sub-directories under the main input directory recursively.
  • ThreadCount: If this property is available, then the adapter creates its own processor threads rather than depend on the global thread pool processor threads (by deafult, 4 of them). In other words, this parameter partitions the in-memory queue and each composite application gets its own in-memory queue.
    • If the ThreadCount property is set to 0, then the threading behavior equals that of the single-threaded model.
    • If the ThreadCount property is set to -1, then the global thread pool is used, which equals the default threading model.
    • The maximum value for the ThreadCount property is 40.
  • UseStaging: If set to true, then the outbound Oracle File or FTP Adapter writes translated data to a staging file, and later it streams the staging file to the target file. If set to false, then the outbound Oracle File or FTP Adapter does not use an intermediate staging file.
  • UseRemoteArchive: Set this property to true to notify the Oracle FTP Adapter that the archival directory is on the same FTP server. If set to false, the Oracle FTP Adapter uses a local file system folder for archival.
  • inMemoryTranslation: This property is applicable only if UseStaging is set to false .If UseStaging is set to true, then the translation step occurs in-memory (that is, an in-memory byte array is created). If set to false, then the adapter creates an output stream to the target file (FTP, FTPS, and SFTP included) and allows the translator to translate and write directly to the stream.
  • useFileSystem: This property is used by inbound Oracle File or FTP Adapter during read-only polling in a clustered environment. Setting it to true causes the adapter to use the file system to store the metadata of the processed files. Setting it to false causes the adapter  to use a database table.
  • timestampOffset: This property is used by the Oracle FTP Adapter to handle time zone issues, typically to convert the time difference between the FTP server and the system on which the Oracle FTP Adapter is running to millisecond.

JCA Properties for Oracle JMS Adapter:
  • EnableStreaming: When this property is set to "true", the payload from the queue or topic is streamed instead of being processed as an in-memory DOM. You must use this feature while handling large payloads.
  • DeliveryMode: Represents the delivery mode to use. The message producer's default delivery mode is PERSISTENT. This can be overridden on a per message basis using normalized message property
  • adapter.jms.encoding:Used to encode inbound text messages. This property is superseded by the newly supported property called jca.message.encoding that is applicable for both inbound and outbound messages.



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